Dear Jackson Families,
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year! We are so excited to see you soon! Please see below for some important start of the year information.
If you have any questions, our main office is open from 7:30am-3:30pm. You may also call 630-834-4544 or email our School Administrative Assistants Jacki Lawrence ( and Barbara Pisciotto ( We are happy to help!
School Communication
Throughout the school year, you can expect to receive a weekly information, the Jackson Weekly Wrap-up, each Friday. This email will remind you of important school and district information and events.
Class Assignments
Your child’s assigned teacher for the 2024-2025 school year will be available in PowerSchool on August 7, 2023 around 9:00am. Please log into your PowerSchool account prior to this date to make sure your account is set-up and working.
Jackson School Daily Schedule
8:00am- Student arrival begins
8:15am- Tardy Bell
Lunch times:
10:40-11:40am: 2nd and 3rd grades
11:40am-12:40pm Kinder, 1st, 4th, and 5th grades
3:00- Dismissal
3:05- Busses Depart
*Please note the late arrival bell schedule here.
*Detailed arrival and dismissal routines will be sent via next week.
Student Late Arrivals
Student Late Arrivals take place 1-2 times per month on Wednesdays.
Students arrive starting at 9:30am. The tardy bell rings at 9:45am.
You can see the dates for elementary late arrivals on the district calendar. Please save this calendar to reference throughout the year.
Students have three daily options for lunch: bring lunch from home, order hot lunch from school, or go home for their lunch hour. Students choosing to go home for lunch must check out and back in through the main office. If your child wishes to go home for lunch, we must have written permission to their teacher and the office. If your child wishes to go home with a friend for lunch, we must have written permission from both families. Students going home for lunch should arrive back to Jackson a few minutes before the end of their lunchtime so they are on time to class.
Bus Routes
The Jackson bus routes will be posted on our website a few days before school starts with your bus information. Please contact Jacki Lawrence at with any questions. For the first several days, we recommend your child get to his/her bus stop at least 10 minutes ahead of the listed time on the route sheet. Please be patient with bus routes the first days of school.
Reporting an Absence
If your child will be absent from school, please remember to call and notify the school.
Call 630-834-4544 any time before 8:15am to leave a message on the absence voicemail by pressing option 1.
Leave the reason your child is absent in your message.
If you do not report your child’s absence, the Jackson main office will contact you.
Please attempt to schedule any appointments for your child outside of the school day to lessen absences. However, if you will need to pick up your child during the school day for an appointment, please call the office, send a note to the office, or email Jacki Lawrence ( and Barbara Pisciotto ( with the details so that we may arrange for this ahead of time.
All students have a daily snack. This snack should consist of a plain fruit or vegetable for the safety of our students with allergies.
We are excited to welcome back many returning staff members and welcome some new members to our team.
All Day Kindergarten: Ms. Keeley, Mrs. Swieton, Ms. Sear
First Grade: Mrs. Vega, Ms. McBride, Ms. Allaire
Second Grade: Ms. Dudley, Mrs. Wenig, Mrs. Pitaro, Mrs. Hermanek
Third grade: Mrs. Michalski, Mrs. Latoria, Mrs. Moran
Fourth Grade: Mrs. Mulroy, Mrs. Lejcar, Mrs. Jorbin, Mrs. Noverini
Fifth Grade: Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Siegers, Ms. Germanos
Special Education: Mrs. Watson, Ms. Rothman, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Malyszko
Special Education Instructional: Mrs. O’Neill and Mrs. Borsellino
Reading Specialist: Mrs. Scheel, Mrs. Stronczek (P/T)
Instructional Coach: Ms. Liston
Music, Art, PE, Library: Mrs. Alfano, Mrs. Neigel, Mrs. Henderson, Ms. Breitinger
EL: Mrs. Cote, Mrs. Merna (P/T)
REACH: Mrs. Seiders
Social Worker: Mrs. Hull (on maternity leave- information forthcoming)
Speech Language Pathologists (P/T): Mrs. Messina, Mrs. Callaghan, Ms. Farazi
Occupational Therapists: Mrs. Nicole Palka (formerly DeLeonardis)
Physical Therapist: Mrs. Peterson
Psychologist: Ms. Sadie Allison-Palmateer
Building Nurse: Mrs. Salil Gassemi
PTA Communication
Stop by the Ice Cream Social after supply drop-off! August 13th from 4-5pm we will have ice cream and fun for students and their families out on the playground.
Come mingle with Jackson parents at the Welcome Back Coffee on the first day of school, August 14th from 8:30-10:30am in the multipurpose room. We'll have an iced coffee bar and lots to share about this year's events & clubs for Jackson students!
Joining the Jackson PTA allows us to sponsor a year full of fun for the students and support for the staff - members get exclusive access to the student directory app and the opportunity to help decide where our PTA dollars should go next! Help us make this the best year yet by joining here.
Interested in volunteering but not sure where to start? Fill out this interest form and we can help you find the right fit before you commit!
The first PTA meeting this school year is August 15th at 7pm in the Makerspace - we will present this year's budget for an approval vote.
Important Dates
August 7: Class assignments available in PowerSchool
August 13: Teacher Meet and Greet and Supply Drop off from 3:30-4:30pm
August 14: 1st day of School (full day)
August 28: Curriculum Night (6:00-8:00pm)
September 3: Picture Day
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Krista Rajanen
Caity Collins
Assistant Principal